Admission Procedure
Admission Procedure starts with issue of application form.
A student seeking admission to any class in Christ School will be eligible for admission to class only if he/she:-
- Has been studying in a school recognized by or affiliated to CBSE or any other recognized Board of Secondary Education in India.
- Has passed qualifying or equivalent qualifying examination making him/her eligible for admission to that Class.
- Satisfies the requirement of age limits (minimum and maximum) as determined by the Gujarat State.
- The filled in application form shall be submitted along with the following attachments.
- Birth Certificate from the competent authority
- Mark Sheet of the qualifying Examination and original Leaving Certificate (L.C.) from the last School attended
- The counter signed L.C. by the district education officer in case of the out of state student
- Three Passport size Photographs
Admission becomes valid only afer the candidate/Parents have filled up the admission form and submitted along with the requirement documents in order with the School Fees on the prescribed date.