

The School follows the NCERT/CBSE syllabus/curriculum to cater to the increasing demands to cope up with the higher and national standards.

The Methodology At CHRIST SCHOOL

The method of teaching at Christ school enables the children learn their lessons with the great zest and enthusiasm, as they are taught in a very unconventional and in the most effective practical ways such as the use of audio visual Digital Smart Boards - an Interactive Learning System (ILS) and activity based learning under the supervision of teachers of motherly touch and approach.

We also conduct training and performance appraisal of our teachers at regular intervals to ensure that proper and healthy feedback makes our teachers to be great masters in their subjects and in imparting right knowledge at the right time in the right manner to the children to keep them updated and to make the children great personalities.

Education is the manifestation of THE PERFECTION ALREADY IN MAN

Swami Vivekanand