Directors's Messages

Dear students, parents, staff members and well-wishers,

It is my honour and privilege to greet you with warm prayerful wishes that you be showered with abundant blessings from the Almighty.

Christ says,

I am the light of the world

The purpose of the coming of Christ into the world is that we may have light. His was the light that shone with compassion. His light guided people to a change of heart and inspired them to move away from sinful living. He came to set people free from what held them in slavery and bondage. He is the true light that expels the darkness.

The light of Christ is the brightness of God shining on the retina of the human soul.
Our perspective brightens when touched by the Light Illumined by the Creator, we are able to hang onto the shreds of light that permeate the darkness. Without light, there is no vision, no view of reality, no confident journeying, no health and no life.

Education is the process of enlightenment. It is something that permeates throughout one's life and helps them to comprehend the true meaning of it. With this thought in mind Christ School, empowers the students put under its care, with powerful tools, and concurrently aids them to discover their potentials and identify their significant role in the world. We believe, students need to be taught to develop faith in their abilities, they should also learn to compete, not with others but with their own self which eventually brings in progress. In a challenging world, our focus is to nurture the students with confidence, resilience, strength and courage so that they face the adversities positively. We aim to give wings to the dreams and passions of our students, so that they fly with limitless possibilities and achieve endless success throughout their life.

Well rooted in the noble tradition of providing holistic education, the School has phenomenally become one of the best choices of aspirant learners and concerned parents in this span of time. Delivering exceptional brilliance in education and significantly contributing to the multidimensional growth of our students to be universally influential and globally competitive, we channelize and foster social change and manifest the role of a socially responsible educational institution.

Dear all, I wish you the blessing of a positive attitude, and this is what we also try to build in our students. We, at the Christ school, strive to provide a platform where a child is holistically educated, encompassing physical, mental, social, emotional and spiritual growth. We aim that our students become a resource for tomorrow.

Every student at Christ school is given a voice and avenue where they are able to express their knowledge and dream big and achieve big.

As water reflects the face, so one's life reflects the heart.

Proverbs 27:19

I am confident that at Christ School, everyone will understand the true meaning of life, love life and live life to its fullest with the Almighty as the guide, and reach the height of glory.

May Christ, the True light bless you all.

Thank You.

Fr. Joby Pendanath

Director, Christ School - Adipur.